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Influencer Discovery

Find influencers fast, easily

Generate accurate lists of influencers that match your campaign objective and audience persona.

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Real world data and 600+ api partners

Powered by our proprietary language models, RAD AI delivers real world, real time interest-based personas at scale.

We feed our AI proprietary data sets, custom algorithms, structured and unstructured data, data from platforms including Reddit, TikTok, and X, and information you share with us aboout your brand. A typical campaign uses 600+ API partners and processes roughly 2.5BN worth of data.

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24.9+ million influencers

Our advanced machine learning models consider over 24.9 million English speaking influencers across every major social platform.

The AI analyzes each influencer’s areas of interest, subject matter expertise, tone, sentiment, audience demographics, content performance, and audience engagement.

Why it Matters

Faster, Better Direction

The process of selecting the right influencers, and creators, and then giving them each creative direction, would take any traditional influencer agency months. It takes RAD AI two days.


More effective results

The influencers and creators that our Discovery Tool recommends consistently and demonstrably outperform those recommended by more traditional methodologies.


Predictable ROI

Every stakeholder understands quantifiable ROI. We replace marketing jargon with easy to understand performance connected to the P&L.

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Level up your content strategy

RAD AI makes it easy to identify and activate influencers for your brand.


RAD AI sets the standard for creative intelligence

Read our e-book

  • Customize 600+ API connections to nyour needs.

  • Effectively remove bias from the influencer selection process. 

  • Bring clarity to the opaque influencer marketing industry. 

  • Measurable, easy to understand results.
  • Improve ROI and avoid costly mistakes. 

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Why Influencers are Paying Attention to How Creators Have Built and Exited Beauty Brands

Hi All,

Influence Redefined
Branding Marketing AI-informed content

Influence Redefined

Hi All, Jeremy Barnett, CEO and founder of RAD AI, here. Many colleagues and industry peers have encouraged me to share ...

The Opaque Nature of Influencer Marketing
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The Opaque Nature of Influencer Marketing

The Opaque Nature of Influencer Marketing The influencer marketing industry was worth an estimated $16.4 Billion in ...

RAD AI content optimizer is now available in adobe express

Learn About Content Optimizer

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